South Africa

Elephant Chasing Car

Wildlife Photography – Preparation Tips

Before I advise you on what to do to prepare for your photographic safari – which we’d be happy to help you with, if you’d like to Contact Us – let me offer some advice for your game guide. He or she (female guides are quite common these days, and they are generally very good), as a qualified professional, is obliged to make your drive as interesting as possible. This includes taking into account the photographers on the vehicle. So make it a point to let them know who the photographers are in your group. Continue reading “Wildlife Photography — Preparation Tips”

Male Lion with Massive Mane

Wildlife Photography – What to Pack?

Browsing our galleries, you’ll quickly discover that wildlife photography (and videography) is a primary passion of mine and Naomi’s. Over the years, many people, such as the lovely ladies at Well Designed Journeys in the USA, have asked for advice about this niche skill – on their own and/or their clients’ behalf. Continue reading “Wildlife Photography — What to Pack?”